Star Tattoos

Star tattoo is the best design to choose in when you’re getting a tattoo.

Find out Why.

Star tattoo is not a new design in the tattoo industry but it has been there for many years. Up until today, it is still one of the most accepted tattoo designs. With the many custom tattoo designs, star tattoos is also one of the many most asked designs.

Getting a tattoo is not a simple decision to make. There are many important points one should need to think of. The reasons why you’re getting a tattoo, what design to choose that would best reflect your personality and the best tattoo artist to do this for you. These are just the main key things one should decide because having a tattoo is a permanent thing.

The star tattoo popularity is attributed to a number of reasons and each tattoo lover has their own reasons for getting one. Star tattoos have can be rendered in many different sizes, it can be small or big. It is one of the good choices for first time tattooers for the reason that it can be covered up with bigger tattoo or clothing.

Star tattoos fits well for both sexes and is also considered to be a symbolic tattoo. Since a star is a universal symbol other religious denominations believed that it is a representation of good and bad things.

When getting a tattoo it can be expensive but with star tattoos it is cheaper. These star tattoos can be done free hand by any tattoo artist or may get references from star tattoo pictures that are available online which can be copied or altered. A star tattoo design can be quickly improved and modified. Because of its simple design you may be able to add more style into it or combine it with other tattoo design. You can also put varied colors into your star tattoo aside from the usual black and white color to make it more personalized.

Star Tattoo Pictures

nautical star tattoo

nautical star tattoo

the seven pointed star

the seven pointed star

pentagram star tattoo

pentagram star tattoo

star of david tattoo

star of david tattoo

shooting star tattoo

shooting star tattoo

Popular Star Tattoo Designs

There is also a wide variety of star tattoo designs and ideas that are available. Here are some of the popular star tattoo designs to choose from:

  • Shooting star tattoo – Several people chose this star tattoo design when they want it to represent an important event in their life. Others want it to represent a relationship, a bond with someone and many more.
  • Nautical star is mostly selected by tattooers who need guidance in their life or on their trip back to their homes.
  • Pentagram star have different significance that is dependent on how the star points are placed. If placed upward it means balance and protection whilst if placed downward it means satanic.
  • The Star of David – symbolizes Divine’s interaction with the people.
  • The Seven Pointed star – symbolizes the ideal male.
  • The Nanogram star – represents steadiness in one’s life.

Star Tattoo Pictures in Youtube Video